References citing Anti-tRFP antibody:
Dou L, Matz EL, Gu X, Shu F, Paxton J, Song J, Yoo J, Atala A, Jackson J, Zhang Y.
Non-Invasive Cell Tracking with Brighter and Red-Transferred Luciferase for Potential Application in Stem Cell Therapy.
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Medina-Trillo C, Aroca-Aguilar JD, Ferre-Fernandez JJ, Alexandre-Moreno S, Morales L, Mendez-Hernandez CD, Garcia-Feijoo J, Escribano J.
Role of FOXC2 and PITX2 rare variants associated with mild functional alterations as modifier factors in congenital glaucoma.
PLoS One. 2019 Jan 18;14(1):e0211029 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211029. eCollection 2019.
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Dagdas YF, Pandey P, Tumtas Y, Sanguankiattichai N, Belhaj K, Duggan C, Leary AY, Segretin ME, Contreras MP, Savage Z, Khandare VS, Kamoun S, Bozkurt TO.
Host autophagy machinery is diverted to the pathogen interface to mediate focal defense responses against the Irish potato famine pathogen.
Elife. 2018 Jun 22;7 pii: e37476. doi: 10.7554/eLife.37476
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Mikhaylova M, Karpova A, Bär J, Bethge P, Yuanxiang P, Chen Y, Zuschratter W, Behnisch T, Kreutz MR.
Cellular distribution of the NMDA-receptor activated synapto-nuclear messenger Jacob in the rat brain.
Brain Struct Funct. 2014 May;219(3):843-60 doi: 10.1007/s00429-013-0539-1
pmid: 23539133
TagRFP fused to Jacob protein was expressed in neurons. Anti-tRFP antibody was used for TagRFP detection in western blotting.
Takano M, Tashiro E, Kitamura A, Maita H, Iguchi-Ariga SM, Kinjo M, Ariga H.
Prefoldin prevents aggregation of α-synuclein.
Brain Res. 2013 Oct 25;pii: S0006-8993(13)01425-X. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2013.10.034.
pmid: 24513251
TagRFP performed well in fuses with a wild-type α-synuclein and its pathogenic mutants. Also, TagRFP fluorescence was shown to be stable at pH 4.0 – 5.0. Anti-tRFP antibodies were used in Western blotting.
Constructs used: pTagRFP-N vector.
Expression system: Neuro-2a cell line.
Rosenfeld GE, Mercer EJ, Mason CE, Evans T.
Small heat shock proteins Hspb7 and Hspb12 regulate early steps of cardiac morphogenesis.
Dev Biol. 2013 Sep 15;381(2):389-400 doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2013.06.025
pmid: 23850773
A study of heart morphogenesis in transgenic zebrafish expressing mKate-Caax. Anti-tRFP antibody was used for immunohistochemical staining of intact fish embryos.
Constructs used: mKate-Caax fusion.
Expression system: Transgenic zebrafish line.
Richard M, Boulin T, Robert VJ, Richmond JE, Bessereau JL.
Biosynthesis of ionotropic acetylcholine receptors requires the evolutionarily conserved ER membrane complex.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 12;110(11):E1055-63 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1216154110
pmid: 23431131
Gaur NA, Hasek J, Brickner DG, Qiu H, Zhang F, Wong CM, Malcova I, Vasicova P, Brickner JH, Hinnebusch AG.
Vps factors are required for efficient transcription elongation in budding yeast.
Genetics. 2013 Mar;193(3):829-51 doi: 10.1534/genetics.112.146308
pmid: 23335340
BFP was fused to a yeast nuclear pore protein, anti-tRFP antibodies were used in Western blot analysis.
Constructs used: TagBFP fused to NSP1.
Expression system: The yeasts.
Detection system: Olympus IX-81 inverted microscope equipped with Hammamatsu Orca/ER digital camera and BFP filter block U-MFBFPHQ, λex = 390 nm, λem = 460 nm.
Dragoi AM, Talman AM, Agaisse H.
Bruton's tyrosine kinase regulates Shigella flexneri dissemination in HT-29 intestinal cells.
Infect Immun. 2013 Feb;81(2):598-607 doi: 10.1128/IAI.00853-12
pmid: 23230296
Constructs used: TagRFP fused to BTK.
Expression system: HT-29, stable expression.
Detection system: Nikon TE 2000 microscope.
Yoshihama Y, Izumisawa Y, Akimoto K, Satoh Y, Mizushima T, Satoh K, Chida K, Takagawa R, Akiyama H, Ichikawa Y, Kunisaki C, Inayama Y, Endo I, Nagashima Y, Ohno S.
High expression of KIBRA in low atypical protein kinase C-expressing gastric cancer correlates with lymphatic invasion and poor prognosis.
Cancer Sci. 2013 Feb;104(2):259-65 doi: 10.1111/cas.12066
pmid: 23163744
Anti-tRFP antibody was used for immunocytochemical staining of cancer cells, transfected with TagRFP-KIBRA.
Constructs used: TagRFP-KIBRA fusion.
Viswanatha R, Ohouo PY, Smolka MB, Bretscher A.
Local phosphocycling mediated by LOK/SLK restricts ezrin function to the apical aspect of epithelial cells.
J Cell Biol. 2012 Dec 10;199(6):969-84 doi: 10.1083/jcb.201207047
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Glass C, Singla DK.
MicroRNA-1 transfected embryonic stem cells enhance cardiac myocyte differentiation and inhibit apoptosis by modulating the PTEN/Akt pathway in the infarcted heart.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2011 Nov;301(5):H2038-49 doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00271.2011
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Hayashi K, Suzuki A, Hirai S, Kurihara Y, Hoogenraad CC, Ohno S.
Maintenance of dendritic spine morphology by partitioning-defective 1b through regulation of microtubule growth.
J Neurosci. 2011 Aug 24;31(34):12094-103 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0751-11.2011
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Dragulescu-Andrasi A, Chan CT, De A, Massoud TF, Gambhir SS.
Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) imaging of protein-protein interactions within deep tissues of living subjects.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jul 19;108(29):12060-5 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100923108
pmid: 21730157
Torii T, Miyamoto Y, Sanbe A, Nishimura K, Yamauchi J, Tanoue A.
Cytohesin-2/ARNO, through its interaction with focal adhesion adaptor protein paxillin, regulates preadipocyte migration via the downstream activation of Arf6.
J Biol Chem. 2010 Jul 30;285(31):24270-81 doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.125658
pmid: 20525696
Yamauchi J, Miyamoto Y, Kusakawa S, Torii T, Mizutani R, Sanbe A, Nakajima H, Kiyokawa N, Tanoue A.
Neurofibromatosis 2 tumor suppressor, the gene induced by valproic acid, mediates neurite outgrowth through interaction with paxillin.
Exp Cell Res. 2008 Jul 1;314(11-12):2279-88 doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2008.03.019
pmid: 18486129
Miyamoto Y, Yamauchi J, Chan JR, Okada A, Tomooka Y, Hisanaga S, Tanoue A.
Cdk5 regulates differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells through the direct phosphorylation of paxillin.
J Cell Sci. 2007 Dec 15;120(Pt 24):4355-66
pmid: 18042622
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