Red fluorescent protein FusionRed
- Superior performance in fusions
- Low cytotoxicity
- Fast maturation, high pH-stability and photostability
- Proven suitability to generate stably transfected cell lines
- Recommended for protein labeling and long-term experiments
Main properties
FusionRed normalized excitation (thin line) and emission (thick line) spectra.
Spectra viewer tool Download FusionRed spectra (xls)
* Brightness is a product of extinction coefficient and quantum yield, divided by 1000. ** Purified recombinant protein behaves as a pure monomer at concentrations of 10 mg/ml as verified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) *** Time to bleach 50% of fluorescent signal brightness.
| Molecular weight, kDa | 26 | Polypeptide length, aa | 232 | Fluorescence color | red | Excitation maximum, nm | 580 | Emission maximum, nm | 608 | Quantum yield | 0.19 | Extinction coefficient, M-1cm-1 | 94 500 | Brightness* | 18.0 | Brightness, % of EGFP | 53 | pKa | 4.6 | Structure | supermonomer** | Aggregation | no | Maturation half-time, min | 130 | Photostability, widefield*** | 150 | Photostability, confocal*** | 176 | Cell toxicity | not observed | Possible limitations | superior performance in fusions, low cytotoxicity |
 | HPLC analysis of FusionRed in comparison with selected fluorescent proteins loaded in a high concentration.
FusionRed – orange line, mKate2 – black line, mNeptune – gray line. Proteins were loaded at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. While HPLC demonstrates reversible dimerization of mKate2 and reveals a dimeric character for the mKate derivative, far-red fluorescent protein mNeptune [Lin et al., 2009], FusionRed behaves as a pure monomer. Data from Shemiakina et al., 2012
Lin MZ, McKeown MR, Ng HL, Aguilera TA, Shaner NC, Campbell RE, Adams SR, Gross LA, Ma W, Alber T, Tsien RY.
Autofluorescent proteins with excitation in the optical window for intravital imaging in mammals.
Chem Biol. 2009; 16 (11):1169-79. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2009.10.009 / pmid: 19942140
Shemiakina II, Ermakova GV, Cranfill PJ, Baird MA, Evans RA, Souslova EA, Staroverov DB, Gorokhovatsky AY, Putintseva EV, Gorodnicheva TV, Chepurnykh TV, Strukova L, Lukyanov S, Zaraisky AG, Davidson MW, Chudakov DM, Shcherbo D.
A monomeric red fluorescent protein with low cytotoxicity.
Nat Commun. 2012; 3 :1204. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2208 / pmid: 23149748