Far-red fluorescent protein Katushka2S
- Super bright far-red fluorescence
- High signal-to-noise ratio, fast maturation
- Recommended for whole body imaging
Recommended filter sets and antibodies
Katushka2S can be recognized using Anti-tRFP antibody (Cat.# AB233) available from Evrogen.
Recommended Omega Optical filter sets are QMAX-Red and XF102-2. Katushka2S can also be detected using Texas Red filter sets or similar.
For IVIS Lumina II imaging system the highest fluorescence signal for Katushka2S is observed with the following settings:
In cell culture: "Cy5.5" (695-770 nm) channel using 570/35nm excitation
In whole body imaging: "Cy5.5" (695-770 nm) channel using 605/35nm excitation