Genetically-encoded photoinducible cell cycle inhibitor ArrestRed
- Reversible inhibition of cell cycle progression
- Activation by green light irradiation
- Direct expression and easy visualization in cell nuclei
- No exogenous chemical compounds required
- Recommended for transient blockage of cell division in vitro and in vivo
Recommended antibodies, filter sets, and activating parameters
ArrestRed can be recognized using Anti-KillerRed antibody (Cat.# AB961) available from Evrogen.
Before light activation, ArrestRed can be detected in cell nuclei using TRITC filter set or similar. Recommended Omega Optical filter sets are QMAX-Red and XF174.
ArrestRed is activated by green-light irradiation at 540-580 nm. Light activation of ArrestRed is accompanied by profound photobleaching (reduction of red fluorescent signal).
For activation of ArrestRed in cell cultures in vitro the Arc-lamp irradiation (540-580 nm, 0.5 W/cm2, 2 min) is strongly recommended; laser-light irradiation in confocal mode is less efficient.
For activation of ArrestRed in the whole organism in vivo the Arc-lamp (illumination through 10x objective, 540-580 nm, 170 mW/cm2, 20 min) or the LED array (525 nm, 45 mW/cm2, 1 hour illumination) can be applied.
The source of irradiation, irradiation time and intensity of green light must be individually determined for particular biological system and instrumentation.
Excessive activation of ArrestRed may result in cell death.